Read the testimonial from Dany Fernandez, manager of Atelier Du Pic

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Dany's interview

How did you manage your company's cash flow before Fygr?

With an Excel spreadsheet, which I often forgot to fill in because it was too tedious and time-consuming. And, in the end, it didn't accurately reflect the company's cash position at the end of each month because it was filled in incorrectly.

How has Fygr changed your daily life?

I check my Fygr account regularly to keep track of future orders and expenses. But also to take a look at the graph to always have a global and precise view of the cash flow.

It's very practical to be able to control and monitor your cash flow, especially when you fill in the information regularly. You have a really precise and far-reaching view of current and future cash flow. As a result, I'm much more relaxed about it. I need less administrative time, and I'm much more aware of my company's financial situation.

What are your favorite features?

- The Dashboard (graph and table), which gives a very precise view of all the company's transactions;

- The Scenarios allow you to simulate one or more purchases/hires, which is very practical;

- The fact that you can automatically categorize transactions, and not have to do it every time.

Why would you recommend Fygr to other business leaders?

If, like me, you're often short of cash (because the company is new and we have a lot of operating investments), then Fygr can help you better control your expenses and manage them over time, because you have a global and distant view of your cash flow.

Fygr is very complete and saves a lot of time.

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