Read the testimonial from Julien Gauthier, manager of SMPREN.

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Julien's interview

Can you introduce yourself and your company?

Yes, I'm Julien Gauthier, 41, manager of SMPREN. SMPREN is a company specializing in renovation and embellishment following water damage. We are located in Rancé 01390 in the Ain department.

How did you discover Fygr?

After doing a lot of research on the Internet, I came across Fygr. Fygr has enabled me to better manage the company's financial flows by allowing me to track expenses and income accurately.

Did you have any knowledge of finance before using Fygr?

I had a few basics, but it was a really insufficient to effectively manage the company's cash flow.

How did you manage your company's cash flow before Fygr?

Before I discovered Fygr, I didn't have a clear and precise view of my cash flow. I was using a spreadsheet to track cash flow, but this method proved too restrictive to update and lacked flexibility. With my busy schedule, I didn't have enough time to enter all the necessary data and analyze it to make informed decisions.

Why did you decide to subscribe to Fygr?

After trying out Fygr, I was immediately won over by its ease of use and level of automation. It has transformed the way I manage my cash flow, giving me a clear view of my financial flows.

What are your favorite features?

Among the functionalities offered by the tool, my favorite is without doubt the automation of categorization rules. This feature has saved me a considerable amount of time by eliminating the need to manually categorize each transaction.

Fygr in a nutshell?

Fygr is literally a time-saver with a clear view of bank movements.

Why would you recommend Fygr to other company directors?

It's a simple, effective tool, with very responsive support.

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